Today was another long day. Good, but long.
All morning, the black clouds billowed over us and thunder rumbled in the distance and little showers of rain wet our lawns, but the heavens didn't really open until later this afternoon. We were able to get a lot done in the morning before the rain came, and then when it did come, it was beautiful.
Marion made cups of tea, and I sat in my rocking chair nursing Jaguar to sleep in the darkened living room, watching the rain fall from dark clouds, while Lolly sat quietly with Granny on the couch, with an iPad, and Granny knitted. It was so calm and peaceful - so unusual for a mid-afternoon. It was a simply wonderful break in an otherwise hectic day.
This morning I drove Fifi to school since the skies looked so threatening. When I got back, I did some homeschooling with Lolly while Marion did a little tidying up for me. Then we all took yet another trip into town (I seemed to have whistled a happy Cheerio to the September Shopping Challenge!) to run some errands. We came home, had lunch, did some more cleaning and then enjoyed our storm break. The storm break had to end though at 3pm, as I rushed back to the school to pick up Fifi (in the car again) and came back to do more cleaning and cooking. I needed to get everything ready for family coming over for dinner and for babysitting a friend's kids. I got pizzas baking and out of the oven just in time for the three kids whom I was looking after to arrive. Moments later my dad and stepmom arrived with my brother, and just after that came my other brother, sister-in-law and niece. It was a wild and busy night - and that was the adults! The seven children in my house tonight were perfect; we heard narry a sound come from any of them.
The family all left one by one, leaving me and Scott with six kids. We put on a DVD, popped some popcorn, and I tried desperately to stay awake until 11.15 when their parents arrived to pick them up. I am now utterly exhausted.
But not too exhausted to show you my outfit for today.
Today I mixed patterns with stripes. I wore The Dress with a corset-reminiscent cherry patterned top layered over it. I paired it with frilly socks and black shoes and even accessorized a bit more with a cherry necklace and earrings. I've recently totally gotten into the mixing patterns thing, so I liked this one today.
But you know what I liked even better? This:

Fifi, my six-and-a-half year old, wants to do the October Dress Project with me. So she has chosen a cute sky blue dress to wear. She paired it today with white knee socks and neon wedge sandals, and her fringe (bangs) pulled back with a clip. I wonder how long she will last this out with me? She's a pretty determined girl, until she gets bored, so we'll see! I asked her what she'd say if anyone tried to tease her about wearing the same dress each day and she brightly said, 'I'll just tell them I'm doing a challenge!' She is so confident, I love it. I can't wait to see how she wears her dress tomorrow!
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