Friday, December 02, 2005

So Much to Do, So Little Time to Do It.

Indeed, the story of my life.

Christmas is just around the corner, and I'm a big strange mix of odd feelings regarding it. But I won't bother you with them, as I am unsure of them myself, and I don't know if they mean anything. I'm going through a bit of a "phase" which I don't know is just a phase, but it may be/probably is, so I'll talk about it as little as possible.

But one thing I will talk about is just how incredibly BUSY my life feels right now. I have a pile of dirty laundry up to my waist, two cats that destroy everything in sight, an empty fridge, a Christmas-empty wallet and a busy schedule at work. My alarm didn't wake me this morning, meaning I didn't wake up until 7:30 - I am due in at work at 8. Considering the hour and a half it takes to get to work and the fact that I simply had to have a shower (since I smelled of pub from the night before), I had quite a dishevelled day. Gah. My hair looked like ten miles of dirt road.

Anyway, we all have these wee periods in life where we canNOT believe we'll ever get on top of things. But I think I'm feeling it right now on purpose. I'm serious about the Sabbath-thing, but twenty-three years makes for a hard habit to break. I'm going to continue to treat Sunday as my Sabbath for the time being (it could possibly change), but I'm going to start taking the Sabbath seriously. I like what Ruth (whom I do not know) said on my post below about the Sabbath being a day to trust God and not strive in our own power. So tomorrow, I'm going to work hard to make the house clean, get groceries bought and do whatever, and then Sunday, I'm gonna rest. I'm going to go to the rememberance in the morning and dwell on God's goodness to us as I take part in the undeserved sacrament of the bread and wine, and then I'm going to come home and enjoy rest and peace in God. I'll have dinner ready (or something that doesn't require work to make, like a frozen fillet) so I don't have to work in the kitchen, and I'm going to not stress out about all that needs to be done. I work hard throughout the week (even though two nights this week I did go out - GASP!), and I will trust in the Lord that by keeping the Sabbath day holy, he will bless me with much needed rest. After all, the laundry basket is never going to actually be empty, no matter what, (until I get a dryer??) so what good does it do me to stress out?

Happy weekend, all. Hope by Monday, you're feeling good.

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