Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Happy Purple Ronnie Day

Scott said he was going to blog about our Valentine's Day, but he hasn't yet, so I'm taking over.

Scott and I have discovered this wee man called Purple Ronnie. Purple Ronnie is saucy, cute, painfully British, and steps slightly over the line. He writes these tiny books full of poems and tips and interesting facts about anything you can think of. So far, we have Purple Ronnie's Little Books of: Poems to Say I Love You, Marriage, Doing It, the Kama Sutra, Friends, Life, Men, Girls, and Christmas. Jonathan and Sarah purchased The Purple Ronnie Game of Risks and Rhymes for us for Christmas to add to our collection, and we have the 2005 Calendar hanging in the guest room. We're fans.

So naturally, Purple Ronnie, being the Suave Lover that he is, put out several nice Valentine's items. And just as naturally, we purchased them for Valentine's Day. Between the two of us, we received from each other the Purple Ronnie Book of Chocolate, a Purple Ronnie card, a Purple Ronnie mug To Say I Love You, and the Purple Ronnie's Game of Forfeits, which involves a spinner, a shot glass that glows in the dark, and little heart-shaped cards spelling out silly dares like Go Knock On Your Neighbour's Door and Run Away.

Now, this is not what Scott wanted to tell about. But now that I've gotten to the part he wanted to share, I think I will just go ahead and let him do it as he wished. I'll give you a clue though--it involves the delicious meal my dearest husband COOKED FOR ME FOR VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!

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