Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back to Normal

Well, our anniversary week is over. We never managed to do all the things we planned, like take a walk around Cornalees or go for pizza and a movie, but we still had a good week together. Very relaxing, very enjoyable. Callander was fantastic - pictures here. We took a rainy walk around the duck pond, spent money in an amazing used bookstore and visited the Hamilton Toy Museum. The hotel was really nice; the room was big, there was a double and a single bed so Fifi got to sleep on her own (or rather, Scott and I got to sleep on OUR own), and it served dinner and breakfast both days. Fifi was an angel the whole time, too, and charmed all the wee old couples gracing the hotel (we were the youngest there by a very large margin).

Now we are settled back into normal life, with Scott back at work and Fifi and I back into our weekly routines of TinyTalk classes, Mother & Toddler groups and Breastfeeding groups. Today on the agenda is a morning Mother & Toddler group, and then while Fifi sleeps, I need to call around a few places to do some business stuff. When Fifi wakes up, we're going to have some fun with salt dough! I bought glitter paints yesterday for us to paint our creations. I'm very excited.

The weather here is getting very autumny. I love the chill in the air. I love wearing jumpers. Yesterday turned out extremely hot, but the morning felt like a perfect Autumn day. As much as I enjoy the sunshine and won't begrudge a day of it, I love when the weather goes like this.

It's 6.45am right now. Fifi and I have been up since 6, I think. I think it's now time to go wake Scott and make him take over while I go get washed up and dressed. Fifi is happily working a puzzle in her high chair and watching 'bears' (Care Bears). So now might be a good time to escape.

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