Thursday, October 05, 2006

Work Day Adventure

For starters, let me just update you on my butt.

I'm going to see an osteopath tomorrow afternoon, Anna Potter, who was highly recommended by my midwife, Allison. Hopefully she'll be able to do something with this ever-increasing pain.

Secondly, have a look at these cute shelves I bought for our daughter's room! I can barely stand the cuteness!

Right so, today I am going on an adventure. I've only got a few minutes to share about it, but that's okay, there's really nothing to tell except yesterday while I discussed the magazine proof with the printers, I was invited to come down to the printing production place to see how it is all done. :D I'll get to check out the big cool machines and the computers they use and yadda yadda yadda, but mostly this will be really educational for me as a 'desktop publisher'. (I wish I was called something cooler, like 'graphic designer' but I'm not that, not really. Or at least not usually, though I do get to dabble a bit.) I'll get to see the printing side of it which is something that I expect I would've done had I gone to university for this kind of degree, but since its all been learned OTJ I haven't. It'll be good to see what they do from their side, and it'll help me understand why certain strange things always pop up in the proofs.

Anyway, so I'm excited. It'll be a nice getaway from work for a while. I hope it does happen today, though, as there is a chance they won't get around to it until tomorrow, which would be unfortunate with my osteopath appointment and all.

One week and two days until October break!! (And 80 days til Christmas! Have you started your shopping yet?)

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