So sorry to Kristen and Amanda for your short-lived comments. I appreciate you mentioning, Kristen, pesto, because I was sooo gonna make a pesto pasta and now I'm thinking twice.
Meanwhile, (and that's all you get for a segue) I found a bathroom suite - as in a bathtub, toilet and hand basin - on sale at Homebase for - get this - £299.98. Oh. My. Goodness. A white bathroom suite! For pennies! (In as far as bathroom suites go.) Scott and I are gonna find out how much it would cost to have it fitted, and then there's an extremely good chance we'll get it. It even comes with taps! A white bathroom! With shiny taps! Would be such a vast improvement from this:

I've also started getting into the baby-buying mode. I mean, we'll need lots of stuff, why not start buying now? We're gonna decorate the baby room in a "jungle animal" theme, with a special emphasis on monkeys and giraffes. Somehow, I've managed to limit myself to these purchases only (so far):

But hot on the To-Buy list are this and this.
The End. (Baby is making mommy tired, or at least that's my excuse.)
[EDIT]: Ah-ha! So it's HALOSCAN that is causing those darn pop-ups to come up when using Internet Explorer. Blast it! I'm gonna have to do something about that. So it looks like new comments will HAVE to happen, whether they are Blogger-style or not. Dang it dang it dang it.
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