Monday, December 03, 2007

Safe and Of Sound Mind

Barely the second part of the above. But anyway.

I am home. Fifi and I made it back in one piece. The flight wasn't bad; we once again had a few empty seats (after a kind gentleman switched seats with us), so Fifi had a place to sit and some room to roam. She slept a lot of the flight though, which was a relief. It was also a shorter flight back than it was going (eight hours to America, only six hours back). However, we are both still sorting out our jet lag.

Scott did a reasonable job keeping the house tidy, but it wasn't very baby-proofed so it was a bit stressful coming back. But tonight we finally got some real headway on things. A lot of the problem was that prior to holiday, Fifi was only sort of mobile; upon return, Scott discovered she is totally mobile. So we put some (more) stuff up in the loft tonight, and I tidied away some mail and stuff, and tomorrow, after I've hoovered the living room, I will finally get to...


Decorations are down, out of the loft, the tree is down, and I cannot wait. I hope I get some time tomorrow to do it. Fifi isn't taking very reliable naps yet, as she still thinks night is day and day is night. But I can hope.

Other than all that, I'm just trying to get back in the swing of things again. I got a little too used to having 24 hour pampering from my mom, and now I'm in a bit of a whirlwind having to take care of myself, my child, my husband and my house again. And that's not to mention my businesses.

Yeah, my businesses are kinda stressing me out right now. I'm kinda on the brink of a stress meltdown where that's concerned. I don't want to talk about it. I will survive, is all I keep telling myself.

Fun things in store, however, are Christmas decorations, wrapping presents, receiving the last of my ordered gifts in the mail (and wrapping them) and making gingerbread men to hang on the tree.

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