Sunday, October 14, 2012

ODP Day 14: Sunday's a Day of... Rest?

Photographer - Fifi
This outfit was an easy one to put on this morning, because it is the same outfit I tried on yesterday but felt was too dressy for a kiddie party. Except for the fact that I'd forgotten to hang it to dry last night before going to bed, so this morning it was still very wet in the washing machine. I don't like to put things in the tumble dryer, as it wastes electricity and can damage clothes, but this morning I had no choice. I put it in the dryer for the first time ever and hoped it wouldn't come out shrunken or stretched. Luckily it came out fine, even a bit softer than normal!

Ok, Fifi, enough.
So anyway, the outfit didn't suit a birthday party, but it was perfect for church. I wore the dress with a pink lacy camisole underneath, a pink satin sash, nude tights (they are actually dancer's tights - I didn't have any normal tights because just as I was looking through tights in Tesco the other night, the shop fire alarm went off and we all had to evacuate the building... and I ended up practically shop-lifting a belt that was in my hand while I was at it! Had to hand it to an employee while waiting outside at the 'safety point'!), and black flats.

My hair is in a side bun again with a thick black headband, and I'm wearing my favourite necklace, a birthday present from the lovely (and newly engaged, hurray!) Pauline a few years ago.


We had an unusually busy Sunday today. Busy, but very pleasant. The morning was hectic as all Sunday mornings are when we try to get to the Gourock church, but we got there in the end, and it was a nice morning.

When we got home, the girls and I made chocolates. We are experimenting for Christmas. I bought a chocolate mould in Lidl a few days ago, so we experimented today with plain chocolate, making chocolate-covered cherries and chocolate-covered nuts and solid chocolates. The verdict was a) put the chocolate in the mould first and then the cherry or nut, so as to maintain the correct shape of the mould at the top, and b) use a (much) sweeter chocolate. Regardless, the chocolate-covered cherries were delicious, and the nuts, being very salty, were incredible mixed with the chocolate. We are looking forward to much experimenting between now and Christmas!

Scott's parents then popped over for a cup of tea and a chat, bringing along my wee nephew Adam. The kids had a great time reading books and playing with Granny, while I did some dishes and Scott and Grampa got some food cooking for dinner later on.

I had panto rehearsal in the afternoon. Our Christmas pantomime (not to be confused with the other kind of mime I've been known for) is Puss In Boots, and I'm playing Jack, the Principal Boy who is a slightly daft miller's son bequeathed a very clever cat who helps him win the heart of the beautiful princess. Jaguar came along with me to rehearsal and was very well behaved while he watched from his pram.

Sheonagh, our lovely backstage girl, and Shannon, Princess Alice

Dame -Auntie Hettie Quette teaches the villagers all about deportment.

After panto, I raced back home to enjoy the lovely beef stew Scott's dad had made for our Sunday dinner (and enjoyed Scott cleaning up after, thanks honey!). By the time they left, it was nearly the girls' bedtime, so we got them ready and tucked in, and now I'm here, in my comfy pj's, typing on my laptop in bed, feeding Jaguar, and preparing to watch a new DVD, I Capture the Castle (an excellent book too, well worth checking out!) My dress has managed to survive Jaguar's many baby-pukes today, so I'm getting away with not washing it tonight. No forgetting to dry it for me tomorrow!

And on that note, so long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, good night!

We are taking part in the October Dress Project in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. Please consider donating to our cause.

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