Wednesday, April 12, 2006

All is Quiet

I took everyone to the airport this morning. I feel reallly quite lonely now. For nine days it was solid, nonstop family - and now I'm alone in my pjs with my cats. I miss them so much already. Usually I'm not too sentimental about goodbyes. I know I'll see that person soon, and if not, well then chances are we aren't that close to begin with. But today, even though I know I'll see them all in just a few short months (going back in July for my older brother's wedding), I feel really sad.

But I've got plenty to keep me busy - nine days of family meant nine days of house neglect. And house neglect for most people means the house looks just like it did when you started, but if you've got cats, it doesn't matter that you haven't spent more than ten minutes in your living room - the place is a DISASTER. So it's cleaning time.


But before I do all that, I just want to throw in a quick list of all the great (or not-so-great) things we did or saw while they were here:

1. Museum of Transport in Glasgow
2. Botanic Gardens in Glasgow
3. Glasgow Cathedral
4. Provands Lordship (the oldest house in Glasgow)
5. The Necropolis in Glasgow
6. Stirling Castle
7. Inverrary Castle (the outside, it was closed)
8. A beautiful church by Loch something-or-other past Inverrary
9. Edinburgh Castle (the not-so-great bit - I hate the castle)
10. Scottish Parliament (also not-so-great)
11. We rode a ferry (my first time)
12. They ate haggis (their first and probably last time)

And much more, though the rest is nothing that would interest the general public - like shopping, eating at nice restaurants, laughing together in front of a coal fire, drinking loads of tea and scones. Ah, it was a really, really good time.

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